Welcome to NetScope Solutions!
We are the leading source for Test & Measurement equipment, in Greece! Our 24 year expertise in challenging environments, combined with the broadest product range in the industry, has made us the most trusted technological provider!
From high technology R&D to industrial equipment to handheld devices, we have the right tools to address your everyday challenges with precision and confidence.
NetScope Solutions is the official distributor of the following world-renowned manufacturers:
Oscilloscopes, Analyzers, Meters, Generators, Sources, Supplies%apps%
World Leader in Electronic Test Tools%apps%
Electrical, RF, Temperature, Pressure, Flow, Data Acquisition%apps%
Datacom Cabling, IT Networking, Telecom%apps%
Telecom Networks%apps%
Optical Fiber Cables, Equipment & Components%apps%
Sound & Vibration Measurement%apps%
Sensors, Transducers, Strain Gages, Amplifiers and Data Acquisition Systems%apps%
xDSL/VDSL / ISDN Testers%apps%
Fiber Blowing Machines%apps%
Eye Tracking Systems%apps%
PCB Test, Maintenance and Repair%apps%
Pressure Calibration Equipment%apps%
Fiber Optic Products and Equipment%apps%
Humanoid Robots%apps%
Telemetry & NMS%apps%
Power, LEDs, Photovoltaic, EV/EVSE, Meters, FPD, PXI%apps%
Datacom Networks%apps%
Conducted Immunity Testing and Emission Measurement%apps%
Equipment and Solutions for Technical Education%apps%
Antennas, Attenuators, Waveguide Components%apps%
Advanced Wafer Probing Solutions%apps%
Hioki Measuring Instruments%apps%
Network Design%apps%
TV & FM Broadcasting%apps%
Switches, Media Converters, Network Interface Devices%apps%
Time and Frequency Synchronization Solutions%apps%
Telecom Networks%apps%
Non-contact, laser based vibration and velocity measurement instrumentation%apps%
Telecom Networks%apps%
Instruments to generate TV & radio signals and analyzers to check the reception quality%apps%
Electromagnetic Fields%apps%
Manufacturer of cable, pipe and fault locating equipment%apps%
AM/FM & TV Broadcasting equipment%apps%
Thermal Imaging%apps%
Electric Power Systems%apps%
RF safety / EMF safety in Electromagnetic Fields:%apps%
Yokogawa Optical measurement Products for field or Lab use%apps%
Discover our Products behind Everyday Technology
We offer off-the-shelf products, plus custom test and measurement solutions (built to your exact specifications), for the following technological fields:
Telecom NetworksWireless Test Sets, Multi Standard Radio (MSR) Test and Design, Spectrum Monitoring and Interference Systems, PIM Analyzers, xDSL Testers, Radio Access Network (RAN) …more...
Datacom NetworksDatacom Cabling Certification, Testing and Installation tools, Centralized Network Management, Analysis and Troubleshooting, Switches, Media Converters, Network Interface Devices, …more...
Electronics - PCB Test LabsOscilloscopes, Signal Analyzers and Sources, Network Analyzers, Load Simulators, RF Amplifiers, PCB Prototyping, PCB Repair systems, Probing Stations and many more solutions.more...
EMC/EMI Compatibility - SafetyElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the branch of electrical sciences which studies the unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy with …more...
Educational SystemsLaboratory Equipment, Training Programmes, Computer-based Learning Systems, Web-based Learning Systems, Simulation Training Software and Modular Multimedia Educational Programs, …more...
Electric Power Systemsmore...
Robotic & Eye Tracking SystemsHumanoids, Arms and Mobile robots, for both Industrial and Domestic Usage.more...
Sound, Vibration & Thermal ImagingData Acquisition Hardware and Software front-ends, for Testing, Measuring and Analyzing Acoustic and Vibration Signals, in Various Environments.more...
Material TestingSensors, Transducers, Thermal Imagers, Strain Gages, Amplifiers and Data Acquisition Systems, for the Electrical Measurement of Mechanical Quantities.more...
Calibration LabsElectrical calibrators, RF calibration, Pressure calibrators, Temperature calibrators, Flow calibration, Data Acquisition, etcmore...
Installation & ConstructionInstruments and systems used in installation, maintenance and construction of Fiber networks, Radio Networks and Copper Networks. Instruments include Fiber Splicers, Fiber Blowing …more...
TV & FM BroadcastingTV and Broadcasting Analog and Digital, High Power and Low Power AM/FM radio and TV Transmittersmore...
Nanotechnology ApplicationsNetscope provides measurement solutions suitable for the nanotechnology market and applications. Netscope cooperates with the world leading manufacturers in nanotechnology …more...
Keep up with the Latest Technological Advancements
We keep you updated with tech related events as wells as news and announcements from Netscope and our major manufacturers around the globe.
New Fluke ii500, ii905, and ii915 Acoustic ImagersPrevent Downtime, Boost Efficiency, and Reduce Costs with the Latest in Fluke Acoustic Imaging Technologymore...
New Calibration Lab for Optical Fiber InstrumentsWe at Netscope Solutions, consistent in our commitment to providing high-level support to our customers, have expanded our calibration laboratory by adding standard instruments …more...
Netscope signs agreement with Shape RoboticsWe are happy to announce our new distribution partnership with the leading manufacturer of robotic arms Shape Robotics.more...
Netscope signs agreement with Kinova RoboticsWe are happy to announce our new distribution partnership with the leading manufacturer of robotic arms Kinova Robotics Kinova Robotics.more...
New Hioki ST5680 DC Hipot TesterHioki Releases the new ST5680 DC Hipot Tester The multifunctional ST5680 DC Hipot Tester is the answer to safety and quality control requirements of latest battery modules and …more...
New HIOKI BT5525 Battery Insulation TesterHioki Releases the new BT5525 Battery Insulation Tester The Hioki BT5525 is the ideal testing instrument for battery production lines to ensure high quality products and cost …more...